1. Wear a mask

  • Wear a mask wherever you go.
  • If you are in a public place, then do not remove your mask.
  • Hospitals, schools, malls, marketplaces, cinema halls, and other crowded places should be avoided. If not possible, then put on your mask.
  • Mask should be a good fit. Opt for cotton or natural fabric masks over artificial or mixed fabrics.
  • If you are around someone with a communicable disease, then wear a mask.
  • If you are suffering from a communicable disease, then wear a mask.
  • Always wear a mask when you are around infants or senior citizens.

2. Social distancing

  • Stay at least 6 feet from others to avoid transmission.
  • Avoid crowded places, especially hospitals and marketplaces as much as possible.
  • If you are on the same premises with someone who is ill, then a distance of 6 feet or more is highly mandatory.

3. Wash your hands

  • Wash your hands as much as possible.
  • Follow the classic ‘20-second’ rule, where you wash your hands constantly for about 20 seconds before washing them.
  • Avoid touching anywhere.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed or bare hands.
  • Do wash your hands under the following conditions:

    - Before preparing meals,

    - Before touching yourself

    - After coming from outdoors

    - After coughing or sneezing

    - After touching someone else

    - Before and after touching your mask

    - After meeting somebody sick

4. Maintain proper hygiene

  • Avoid going to places with poor sanitation.
  • Do not use public toilets and washrooms.
  • Avoid having meals from outside.

5. Get yourself vaccinated

  • Make sure to get your vaccination done with both doses.
  • People of all age groups are eligible for taking a Covid vaccine.
  • Even after getting a vaccination, one should strictly follow covid guidelines.